The Electronic Case Filing
(ECF) Tutorial is designed for attorneys interested in learning how
to use the CM/ECF system. An attorney using the tutorial will learn
key CM/ECF functions through guided practice using simulated CM/ECF
screens and actions.
The tutorial is divided
into four modules, each of which contains sections that guide you through
specific CM/ECF functions for civil and criminal filings.
If you are a new CM/ECF
user, you should begin with 1: Orientation and continue to the end of
4: Reports. This is a self paced tutorial, at any point you can bookmark
your place and return when and where it is convenient to you. The entire
tutorial will take you about one hour to complete.
the end of the tutorial, an attorney will be able to use CM/ECF to
file criminal and civil
pleadings, create reports, and make queries.