O:YY-TY-#####-INI-RIN <i>example:</i> 3:25-cv-00071-DJH 601 W BROADWAY STE 106 LOUISVILLE KY 40202-2227 ECFHelpDesk&#064;kywd.uscourts.gov 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Eastern Western District of Kentucky ECF Helpdesk 1-866-822-8305 150 2254APPEAL 2254 Appeal - Successive Motions 2255 Motion to Vacate 3 STRIKER 3 Striker APPEAL Appeal APPMAG Appeal - Magistrate ARBITRATION Arbitration CASE_SEAL_REVIEWED Case Seal Reviewed CASREF Case referred CLASS CLASS ACTION CLOSED Case Closed COMPLEX Complex Case CONMAG Consent to Magistrate CONSOL Consolidated COPYRIGHT Copyright HABEAS Habeas INTAPP Interlocutory Appeal INTERPRETER Interpreter IR Initial Review LEADCS Lead Case LEADTR Lead for Trail MATWIT Material Witness MD1466 Multi-District Litigation MD1466 MDL 1998 Multi-District 1998 MDL 2016 Multi-District 2016 MDL 2137 Multi-District 2137 MDL 2308 Multi-District 2308 MDL 2504 Multi-District 2504 MDL1974 Multi-District 1974 MEDIATION Mediation MERGED-DO NOT DOCKET Merged - Do Not Docket Merged (Mag. Case into CR Case) MJSELECT Magistrate Judge Selected MOTREF Motion referred MULTIPLE_CVB_VIOLATIONS Multiple CVB Violations PATENT/TRADEMARK Patent/Trademark PRO SE NON-P PRO SE NON-P PROTOR Protective Order REOPEN Case Reopened RESTRICTED FILINGS Filings Restriced by Order of Court REVOC Revocation SEALED Case Sealed SM Special Master STAYED Case Stayed STRIKE STRIKE SUB003 Sub003 SUB005 Sub005 SUB008 Sub008 SUB009 Sub009 SUB010 Sub010 SUB011 Sub011 SUB013 Sub013 SUB014 Sub014 SUB015 Sub015 SUB999 Sub999 SUBAC SubAC SUBBB SUBBB SUBCHB SUBCHB SUBCHL SUBCHL SUBCRS SubCRS SUBDJH SUBDJH SUBDW SubDW SUBGNS SUBGNS SUBHBB SUBHBB SUBJDM SubJDM SUBJGH SubJGH SUBJHM SubJHM SUBLLK SUBLLK SUBRGJ SUBRGJ SUBRSE SubRSE SUBTBR SubTBR SuppressAnsRpt Suppress case from Service and Answer Report TRANSDIN Transferred into this Division TRANSDOUT Transferred out of this Division TRANSF Transferred to Another District WRIT Writ 08/04/2003 Western District of Kentucky
ECFHelpDesk&#064;kywd.uscourts.gov 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Eastern ECF Helpdesk 1-866-822-8305
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